Sunday, June 12, 2016

Solomon Kane power stunts: Headlong Haste, Bifold Blades and Shower of Lead

When using extra effort or a victory point to perform a power stunt, Kane is most likely to use his Somber Stare as the base power as it is the only offensive power under his control. He is most likely to gain another offensive power or enhanced traits when performing a power stunt. Any effect gained must cost 18 character points or less and should have the talent descriptor.

Here are some examples:

Headlong Haste

◊Descriptors – talent
◊Effect – Enhanced Acrobatics 6; Enhanced Agility 3; limited Enhanced Athletics 3 • 10 points

That Hated Light (Enhanced traits 9 and limited Enhanced Traits 3)

◊Modifiers – limited: -1/rank (Enhanced Athletics)
◊Action – free
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – until the end of the scene, Kane gains +6 to Acrobatics, +3 to Agility, and +3 to Athletics checks made while running


Kane, moving with the dynamic speed of a famished wolf, fired the second pistol with as little effect, snatched his long rapier from its sheath and thrust into the centre of the misty attacker.

Kane can drive himself to almost superhuman haste when pressed. As a power stunt, he can gain +4 to Acrobatics, and +3 to Agility. He also gains a +3 bonus to Athletics made to increase his speed rank by running. These bonuses last until the end of the current scene or until Kane is unable to sustain them.

Note: With Enhanced Agility, Kane’s Initiative bonus increases to +9 and his Dodge defense increases by +3 as well.

Bifold Blades

◊Descriptors – talent, variable
◊Effect – Damage 7 • 17 points

Bifold Blades (multiattack, removable, split Damage 7 with variable descriptors)

◊Modifiers – multiattack: +1/rank, removable: - flat points, split 1: 1 flat point, variable: 2 flat points
◊Action – free
◊Requirements – two melee weapons
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – Kane gains a close Damage rank of 7 with multiattack and split while wielding two melee weapons
◊Resist – Toughness


The flickering rapier parried the whistling scimitars and the Arab died on its point, which seemed to hesitate in his heart only an instant before it pierced the brain of a sword-wielding warrior. Another attacker dropped his sword and leaped in to grapple at close quarters. He was disembowelled by the dirk in Kane's left hand, and the others gave back in sudden fear.

Kane can fight multiple foes with whirling fury. As a power stunt, he can gain a Damage effect rank of 7 when using two melee weapons in either hand. He can also split this Damage rank by any amounts totaling 7 between two targets (6/1 or 4/3 for example) making a single attack check and comparing the result against both target’s defenses.

In addition to being able to split, the effect(s) can hit multiple targets or a single target multiple times with the same standard action. If Kane’s Damage effect(s) target a single foe and the attack succeeds by two degrees, the DC of the target’s resistance check increases by +2. If Kane’s attack succeeds by three or more degrees it increases by +5 instead. If Kane’s Damage effect(s) target multiple foes he rolls one attack check against each target within a close arc around him with a -1 penalty to the check per target.

This effect lasts until the end of the current scene or until Kane loses one of his weapons.

Note: If Kane wields his customary dirk and rapier for this effect, he uses his +9 Close Combat: Blades skill. Otherwise, he uses his Fighting modifier of +6.

Shower of Lead

◊Descriptors – talent
◊Effect – ranged Damage 8 • 8 points

That Hated Light (accurate, partially limited, diminished ranged Damage 8)

◊Modifiers – accurate: 1 flat point, diminished range: -2 flat points, limited multiattack: 4 flat points, partially limited Damage: -1 flat point, ranged: +1/rank, quirk: -2 flat points, unreliable: -1/rank
◊Action – standard
◊Requirements – two pistols
◊Range – 16 feet
◊Duration – instant
◊Results – Kane gains a ranged Damage rank of 6; Damage rank increases to 8 against targets without Protection
◊Resist – Toughness


Then he drew and fired with unerring aim and the monster veered wildly in midair and came whirling and tumbling out of the sky to crash at his feet.

Kane can fire lead shot from both of his heavy pistols to devastating effect. As a power stunt, he can gain a Damage effect rank of 8 when firing one pistol in each hand. This attack is accurate giving him +2 to his attack check, however the Damage effect is partially limited; targets benefitting from a Protection effect resist against a Damage rank of 6 instead.

Kane can hit multiple targets or a single target multiple times with his Shower of Lead using the same standard action. If Kane is firing on a single foe and the attack succeeds by two degrees, the DC of the target’s resistance check increases by +2. If Kane’s attack succeeds by three or more degrees it increases by +5 instead. Kane can also target two foes who are close to one another. In this case, he rolls one attack check against each target with a -1 penalty.


•Due to the limited range of lead shot, Kane can only attack at short range. He cannot fire effectively at targets further than 16 feet away using Shower of Lead.
•Shower of Lead relies on Kane’s pistols or similar weapons. He cannot use this power without two firearms and the length of time required to load them usually means that it can only be used once per scene.

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