Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Facemask (Bumblebee)


◊Descriptors – armor, senses, visual
◊Effect – Enhanced Advantage 1, Distance Sense, Extended Vision 2, Feature, Sensory Shield • 8 points

Facemask (removable Enhanced Trait 1, Feature, Immunity 5, Senses 3)

◊Modifiers – removable: - 2 flat points, sustained: +0/rank
◊Action – free
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – With his Facemask, Bumblebee can accurately judge distances by sight; is immune to Sensory Affliction effects; may reroll a failed visual Perception check; extends visual senses by two additional factors of 10


Bumblebee has a retractable facemask which features several enhancements. Unfortunately it was damaged at some point during the Great War and Bumblebee was unable to use it while participating in the battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons on earth.

While active, the Facemask provides bumblebee with the following benefits:

•When Bumblebee fails a visual Perception check, he may make another immediately and use the better of the two results (as the Second Chance advantage).
•The unreliable flaw from the Protection provided by his Bug Shell is suppressed (he need to roll to see if the effect functions).
•Bumblebee’s senses are shielded from overload due to outside stimuli allowing him to ignore blinding light or deafening noise, for example.
•Bumblebee can accurately and automatically judge distances using his visual senses.
•The effective range of Bumblebee’s visual senses is further extended by two additional factors of 10 (to -1 to Perception checks per 10,000 feet).


Bug Shell (Bumblebee)

Bug Shell

◊Descriptors – armor, Cybertronian
◊Effect – Protection 2 • 1 point

Bug Shell (unreliable Protection 2)

◊Modifiers – unreliable: -1/rank
◊Action – none
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – permanent
◊Results – +2 to Toughness on a roll of 11 or higher


Bumblebee’s armored plates shield him against damage, giving him +2 to his Toughness defense, however it is less effective without his Facemask (see below).

Without his Facemask, Bumblebee must roll a die each round. On a 10 or less, it doesn’t work. He can roll again on the following round to see if it works and can spend a victory point on his reliability roll to succeed automatically (since the roll is then at least an 11).


Monday, June 27, 2016

Bad Moon (Magic: The Gathering)

Bad Moon

◊Descriptors – Black, enchantment, magic, spell, visual
◊Effect – Enhanced Traits 3 • 6 points

Bad Moon Enchantment (perception area, perception range, limited Enhanced Traits 3 which affects only others)

◊Modifiers – affects only others: +0/rank, area: +1/rank, increased range: +2/rank, limited: -1/rank, uncontrolled: -1/rank
◊Action – standard
◊Range/Area – any moon you are able to perceive with an accurate sense; all creatures able to perceive the moon with a visual sense
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – creatures associated with Black mana able to perceive the moon with a visual sense gain +1 to attack checks and Toughness


This spell allows you to enchant the moon (or a local moon if the world you are on has more than one) to grant creatures associated with Black mana enhanced traits. You must be able to perceive the moon with an accurate sense (otherwise, you can’t enchant it).

Creatures associated with Black mana gain a +1 bonus to attack checks (1 rank of both the
Close Attack and Ranged Attack advantages) and +1 to Toughness defense as long as they are able to perceive the moon with a visual sense. If they lose sight of the moon (due to cover or concealment) they also lose these bonuses until reestablishing visual perception of it.

This power has the Uncontrolled modifier due to the fact that you (presumably) cannot control the enchanted moon’s visibility or the ability of Black (mana associated) creatures to perceive it. If you can control this somehow, then remove the Uncontrolled modifier from the effect’s cost.

The above version of this spell should be sufficient for the needs of most planeswalkers as it allows them to affect large numbers of creatures at once, however to affect all Black creatures (on an Earth-sized world), the version below could be used instead:

Bad Moon

◊Descriptors – Black, enchantment, magic, spell
◊Effect – Enhanced Traits 3 • 60 points

Bad Moon Enchantment (close, burst area 22, limited Enhanced Traits 3 which affects only others)

◊Modifiers – affects only others: +0/rank, area: +22/rank, limited: -2/rank, reduced range: -1/rank
◊Action – standard
◊Range/Area – close 32,000 mile burst
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – creatures associated with Black mana gain +1 to attack checks and Toughness


Creatures associated with Black mana gain a +1 bonus to attack checks (1 rank of both the Close Attack and Ranged Attack advantages) and +1 to Toughness defense.

This spell can only be cast if the moon is full or gibbous (whether or not it is visible).

Descry Mana

Descry Mana

◊Descriptors – dimensional, magic, senses
◊Effect – Remote Sensing 8 and Senses 13 • 22 points

Descry Mana (accurate, acute, analytical, extended 2, radius, ranged Detect mana which penetrates concealment)

◊Modifiers – dimensional 3: 3 flat points, noticeable: -1 flat point (Remote Sensing); extended 2: 2 flat points, noticeable: -1 flat point (Senses)
◊Action – free (Remote Sensing) or none (Senses)
◊Range – 1 mile (Remote Sensing) or personal (Senses)
◊Duration – sustained (Remote Sensing) or permanent (Senses)
◊Results – extend mana detection over an area of 1 mile and into other dimensions (Remote Sensing); detect mana sources within range increments of 1,000 feet, identify individual sources of mana and determine detailed information about that source at range, in all directions, and without regard to physical obstacles


You can discern sources of mana and identify the types of mana those sources produce.

You are able to perceive mana; the mystical reserve which supplies the energy needed to bring powerful spells into being.

You can detect the presence of mana at range with a Perception check penalty of only -1 per 1,000 feet. You can pinpoint and distinguish between individual sources of mana and can discern specific details about those mana sources, including: the mana type or types it can produce; basic details about the source (whether it is an artifact, creature, land, and so on); whether or not a planeswalker has siphoned mana from that source; how much mana is available within that source at the moment; and if that source is associated with a particular plane.

In addition, you can displace your ability to detect mana sources over a distance of up to 1 mile and into other planes, perceiving them normally (using Perception checks ) as if you were at that location. This Remote Sensing overrides your normal senses while you are using it. Self-aware mana sources being observed this way can “feel” it with an Insight check (DC 10 + rank). To search a large area for a particular type of mana source, use the search guidelines given in the description of the Investigation skill.

•Sensory effects which use mana detection as a medium and which are targeted on the spot where you have displaced your senses affect you normally.
•Because Remote Sensing overrides your normal senses, you are vulnerable (at half your normal active defenses) while using it, since you are less aware of your immediate surroundings.
•Your ability to detect mana sources penetrates all obstacles, although Concealment effects or other powers may be able to counter it.
•You need other Senses to know more specific details about sources of mana that do not relate specifically to mana production (i.e. you will know if a creature which produces mana is associated with a certain type of mana, what kinds of mana it can produce and whether it has mana available to tap into, but not what sort of creature it is or any other details about it).





◊Descriptors – dimensional, magic
◊Effect – Movement 3 • 2 points

Planeswalk (Dimension Travel)

◊Modifiers – check required: -3 flat points, quirk: -1 flat point
◊Action – move action
◊Requirement – Planeswalker’s spark; Perception or appropriate Expertise: Multiverse check
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – step out to the dimension you currently occupy and into another plane of the Multiverse


Your planeswalker’s spark allows you to stride into other planes throughout the Multiverse.

You can cross the boundaries between planes as a move action. Make an Expertise: Multiverse or Perception check (DC 15). If the check fails, you are either unable to Planeswalk, wander into the wrong dimension, or become trapped in the nameless spaces between the Multiverse (gamemasters choice). In any case, the move action used to activate this ability is consumed.

You can carry up to 50 lbs. (mass rank 0) of additional material with you when you move.

You must be able to physically move under your own power (using any form of movement you posses) to use this ability.  This movement must comprise at least a step or two and so there must be an open space nearby for you to step into. You cannot use this power while being carried, driving, riding. 

Note: Many planeswalkers can bring others with them when they move across planes. Add the affects others and area modifiers to reflect this.

If you apply the Increased Mass modifier, you can carry additional mass up to your modifier rank.



Time Travel

Time Travel

◊Descriptors – friendship, magic
◊Effect – Movement 1 • 4 Points

Time Travel (Time Travel)

◊Modifiers – increased mass: 2 flat points
◊Action – free
◊Range – a fixed point in the past
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – Swift Wind can fly through time!


“This may be the toughest thing I've ever asked you to do, Swifty.”
“I'll give it my very best try. Eh, what is it?”
“We've got to go back in time and stop a meteor storm. The only way we can get there, is by circling Etheria, in reverse, at high speed.”
“Let's go for it!”
        — She-Ra and Swift Wind

On at least one occasion, Swift Wind was able to fly against Etheria’s rotation and transport himself and She-Ra backwards in time! This feat is accomplished by spending a victory point to use the Movement 1 Time Travel effect as an alternate effect of Swift Wind’s Fabulous Pegacorn power.

Smoldering Strike

Smoldering Strike

◊Descriptors – bludgeoning, demonic, fire (secondary effect), heat
◊Effect – Damage 6 • 13 points

Smoldering Strike (Strength-based Damage 2; penetrating Damage 6 with secondary effect)

◊Modifiers – partially limited: -2 flat points, limited penetrating 6: 3 flat points, secondary effect: +1/rank; Strength-based: +0/rank
◊Action – standard
◊Range – close
◊Duration – instant
◊Results – Strength-based Damage 2 followed by secondary effect: penetrating Damage 6
◊Resist – Toughness


A nightmare can kick with its burning hooves dealing a Strength-based Damage rank of 10 with a Close Combat: Unarmed attack check. Following the initial strike, the subject suffers a secondary fire Damage effect of 6 which is penetrating (ignores impervious Toughness of rank 12 or less) as the subject (or their clothing) ignites.

The secondary effect is not Strength-based; do not add the nightmare’s Strength to this effect rank.