Sunday, June 5, 2016

Grue (Zork)

It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Further investigation will reveal more about their nature:
> what is a grue?
The grue is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth. Its favorite diet is adventurers, but its insatiable appetite is tempered by its fear of light. No grue has ever been seen by the light of day, and few have survived its fearsome jaws to tell the tale.

A grue is a fearsome creature known for its rapacious lust for flesh and its custom of haunting the unlit corridors of the Great Underground Empire. Grues possess a savage fear of light and flee the presence of any luminance with the exception of that issued by the eyes of their own kind. Despite this, grues have travelled above ground and now and again come to rest in basements and shuttered attics in spite of their bulk. Village elders often include mention of grues lurked in bottomless pits so as to strike terror within the hearts of unruly children to keep them near the light of the hearth and away from the edges of wells.

Grues are partially social amongst their own kind and have enough intelligence to grasp language, although their own seems largely inarticulate. "Sour as a grue" is a common expression among those familiar with these fiends.

The features of grues are largely unknown except by the wounds of their victims or what is glimpsed of one speedily escaping the sudden appearance of light. They are known to be large enough to swallow a human whole and are clearly in possession of wickedly whetted claws and prodigious, though exquisitely pointed, fangs. By coming into close quarters with these monsters, a few former adventurers (who displayed enough sensibility to lay aside that hazardous business early on) reported the grazing of bristly hairs upon their flesh to accompany the dreadful sound of a grue aching with hunger. When in discernment of a potential meal, a grue has a nearly irresistible tendency to slaver and gurgle and the abominable babble of a grue pack gives voice to the darkness and arouses in the wary adventurer a determined appreciation of their supply of effulgence. The putrid stench of a grue’s warm and sodden exhalations swells just past the edge of any glow where it passes away into gloom.

Beyond this, little is known for certain. Grue coloration is likely black, blood red, bruised plumb, or perhaps all of these. Some maintain that the mouth is like that of an anglerfish and the head topped with pointed ears. Others assert that a grue is shaped like a massive dog with limbs splayed outward and the joints thereof hinging back inwards towards the body and that the middle knuckle of each claw has an eye upon it. The body is believe to be entirely hirsute, but whether the head is bald or shaggy is matter of debate.

Grues fear nothing other than the light, which they take great pains to escape. Though they will eat any human, for some reason they prefer the taste of the professional adventurer and may leave others imprisoned or wandering in the dark if the grue’s dim wit suggests a more heroic type may come in rescue. Despite how greatly feared these creatures are and how well suited to their chosen environs, grues do possess some unlikely weaknesses. A small, but statistically significant number of their kind are lactose intolerant (not that many have been clever enough to exploit this intestinal imperfection). In addition, human dandruff is an allergen to an unknown percentage of the grue population.

Grue (Zork) ◊ Power Level — 5?

It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Physical Abilities
*+8 due to huge size

Mental Abilities

Dodge -3* (+1**)
Parry +1*
Will 0
*-4 due to huge size
**In the presence of light

Gaping Maw +1 (Affliction X)
Grasping Claws +1 (Damage 9 plus Weaken Fortitude 9 plus free grab)

Acrobatics 2 (+3/+7˙˙), Intimidation  4 (+4*/+13ˆ), Perception 2 (+2), Stealth 10 (+3**)
*+4 due to huge size
**-8 due to huge size
˙˙In the presence of light
ˆWith smoldering sight


◊Dim Disappearance: Senses 1 +innate, Teleportation 1 +accurate, -medium (darkness) — 8 points
◊Gaping Maw: Affliction X +innate — (X2) +1 point
◊Grasping Claws: Damage 2 +dangerous 4, +innate, +linked, +Strength-based with linked Weaken 9; Enhanced Traits 3 +innate — 20 points
Monstrous Mien: Growth 8 +innate, +permanent — 17 points
◊Pitch Black: Concealment +innate, -limited — 5 points
◊Smoldering Sight: Enhanced Traits 9 -limited and Senses 3 +innate — 7 points
◊That Hated Light: Enhanced Traits 4 +innate, -limited, +reaction — 5 points

Grues are motivated by greed for the flesh of adventurers

Character Point Totals Abilities -10 + Powers (63 + X2) + Advantages 2 + Skills 9 + Defenses 5 = Total (69 + X2)

Dim Disappearance

◊Descriptors – darkness, preternatural
◊Effect – Senses 1 and Teleportation 2 • 8 points

Dim Disappearance (innate Detect Light and accurate, innate, triggered Teleport via darkness)

◊Modifiers – innate: 1 flat point (Senses); accurate: +1/rank, innate: 1 flat point, medium: -1/rank, triggered: 1 flat point
◊Action – none
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – permanent
◊Results – a grue has a +4 bonus to active defenses in areas of darkness or dim light

>turn on lamp

A grue can sense light by touch. The instant light falls upon it, it (along with up to 50 lbs. of additional mass) teleports to the nearest area of darkness sizable enough to contain it. The range of this effect is 120 feet. If no suitable area of darkness exists within that range, the effect does not trigger.

After using this effect, the grue immediately takes a move action to set the effect to trigger again in accordance with its fear of light.

Note: This power represents two distinct effects packaged together for thematic reasons; they are not linked. If the cost of these separate effects becomes important (due to a power stunt or Weaken effect, for example) they are respectively a 2 point permanent effect (which cannot be used to generate a power stunt) and 6 point effect.

Gaping Maw

◊Descriptors – preternatural, size
◊Effect – Affliction X • (X2) points +1

Gaping Maw (innate Affliction X with extra degree)

◊Modifiers – extra degree: +1/rank, innate: 1 flat point
◊Action – standard
◊Range – close
◊Duration – instant
◊Results – target’s Fortitude impaired (one degree), target’s Fortitude disabled (two degrees), target dying (three degrees) or devoured (four or more degrees)
◊Resist – Fortitude


Oh, no! A lurking grue slithered into the room and devoured you!

By making a close attack, a grue can try to eat a smaller creature (height 15 feet or less and 12 tons of flesh or less). If the grue’s attack hits, the target attempts a Fortitude resistance check. If this check fails, the target’s Fortitude is impaired (-2 circumstance penalty on checks) or disabled (-5 circumstance penalty on checks) with two degrees of failure. If this check fails by three degrees, the target begins dying instead. Failure by four or more degrees means the target has been swallowed whole (though it may not be immediately dead).

Note: This power can be devastating. If “X” is made equal to the grue’s power level of 5, adventurers are only likely to be eaten by a grue with multiple uses. Since grues are easily evaded with a light source and primarily exist to force adventurers to be thoughtful in this regard it is recommended to set X above the grue’s power level. Matching the series power level seems fair, however to make a grue properly deadly, X could be equal to the series power level +20 (so that adventurers are devoured if they fail a DC 10 Fortitude resistance check). This method is recommended.

Grasping Claws

◊Descriptors – preternatural, weapon
◊Effect – Damage 2 and linked Weaken Fortitude 9; Enhanced Advantages 3 • 20 points

Grasping Claws (Strength-based Damage 6 with linked Weaken 9 and Enhanced Traits 3)

◊Modifiers – dangerous 4: 4 flat points, innate: 1 flat point, linked: +0/rank, Strength-based: 0 points (Damage and Weaken); innate: 1 flat point (Enhanced Advantages)
◊Action – standard (Damage and Weaken); free (Enhanced Advantages)
◊Range – close
◊Duration – instant (Damage and Weaken); sustained (Enhanced Advantages)
◊Results – dangerous Damage Rank 2 plus Strength and free grab action; not vulnerable while grabbing; targets suffer a -5 penalty to escape; target subjected to Weaken Fortitude effect
◊Resist – Toughness (Damage) and Fortitude (Weaken)


Drink a glass of milk; 2.6% of grues are lactose intolerant so you can be safe in the knowledge that the grue might get diarrhea when it finally gets round to eating you, which is very soon.

The cruel claws of a grue endeavor to shred flesh and engorge the dripping remnants thereof into its gaping maw. When a grue attacks with its claws, it must succeed with a Close Attack: Unarmed check. If this attack hits, the target must resist the damage effect with a Toughness check (DC 26). The target must also make a Fortitude check (DC 19) and loses one point from their Fortitude defense for each point by which this check fails (see Weaken for more information).

A grue’s claws can score a critical hit on a natural 16, 17, 18, or 19 (if the attack hits).

In addition, the grue immediately makes a grab check against a hit target as a free action (see Grab). If the grue succeeds in grabbing the target, it can maintain the grab with one claw free to perform actions. The grue is also not vulnerable while grabbing. Targets suffer a –5 circumstance penalty on checks to escape the grue’s hold.

•This power includes the benefits of the
Fast Grab, Improved Grab and Improved Hold advantages.
•This power represents three distinct effects packaged together for thematic reasons; two of the effects are linked, while the Enhanced Advantages are not. If the cost of these separate effects becomes important (due to a power stunt or Weaken effect, for example) they are respectively a 16 point effect and a 4 point effect.
•Grasping Claws exists primarily to enable the grue’s Gaping Maw power, although it too could slay the careless adventurer. It should only be used if the gamemaster has decided to “play fair” with Gaping Maw. Gamemasters who find themselves with the perversity of concern with fair play are advised to give up the hobby, perhaps in favor of adult coloring books…

Monstrous Mien

◊Descriptors – preternatural, size
◊Effect –Growth 8 • 17 points

Monstrous Mien (innate permanent Growth 8)

◊Modifiers – innate: 1 flat point, permanent: +0/rank (Growth)
◊Action – none
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – permanent
◊Results – -4 Dodge and Parry; +4 Intimidation; mass rank 10; +8 Stamina and Strength; size rank 0; -8 Stealth


>What’s a grue?
The grue is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth. Its favorite diet is adventurers…

As a huge creature, grues posses the following bonuses and penalties (all taken into account in its traits above):

        • +8 Strength
        • +8 Stamina
        • +4 Intimidation
        • -8 Stealth
        • -4 Dodge
        • -4 Parry
        • +8 mass rank (mass 10)
        •+2 size rank (size 0)

Pitch Black

◊Descriptors – preternatural, visual
◊Effect – Concealment 4 • 5 points

Pitch Black (innate limited Concealment to all visual senses)

◊Modifiers – innate: 1 flat point, limited: -1/rank
◊Action – none
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – permanent
◊Results – A grue has total concealment to all visual senses while in areas of darkness or shadow


>Light lamp.
The battery has run out.

A grue gains total concealment from all visual senses while in areas of darkness or shadow, although it is still detectable to other senses (See Concealment for full effects).

Smoldering Sight

◊Descriptors – preternatural, visual
◊Effect – Enhanced Intimidation 9 and Senses 3 • 7 points

Smoldering Sight (limited Enhanced Trait 9; Senses 3 Extended vision and Darkvision)

◊Modifiers – limited: -1/rank (Enhanced Trait); innate: 1 flat point (Senses)
◊Action – free (Enhanced Trait) or none (Senses)
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – sustained (Enhanced Trait) or permanent (Senses)
◊Results – The gaze of a grue is particularly demoralizing; a grue has a –1 to visual Perception checks per 100 feet; a grue can see in complete darkness as if it were normal daylight


You see red eyes in the darkness.

A grue has only has a –1 penalty to visual Perception checks for every 100 feet (instead of for every 10 feet) and darkness provides no concealment to a grue’s vision.

In addition, a grue gains a +9 bonus to Intimidation for the purposes of demoralizing opponents (see Intimidation)

Note: This power represents two distinct effects packaged together for thematic reasons; they are not linked. If the cost of these separate effects becomes important (due to a power stunt or Weaken effect, for example) they are respectively a 3 sustained effect and a 4 point permanent effect.

That Hated Light

◊Descriptors – preternatural
◊Effect – Enhanced Agility 4 • 5 points

That Hated Light (innate limited Enhanced Traits 4)

◊Modifiers – innate: 1 flat point, limited: -1/rank, reaction: +1/rank
◊Action – free
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – a grue gains a +4 bonus to Agility whenever it perceives a light source


The brass lantern is on now.

A grue is moved to incredible haste in the presence of light. As a reaction to perceiving light (either visually or by touch from its ability to Detect Light) the grue can activate this ability to gain a +4 enhancement to Agility. This power can only be sustained as long as the grue continues to perceive a light source.


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