Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Facemask (Bumblebee)


◊Descriptors – armor, senses, visual
◊Effect – Enhanced Advantage 1, Distance Sense, Extended Vision 2, Feature, Sensory Shield • 8 points

Facemask (removable Enhanced Trait 1, Feature, Immunity 5, Senses 3)

◊Modifiers – removable: - 2 flat points, sustained: +0/rank
◊Action – free
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – With his Facemask, Bumblebee can accurately judge distances by sight; is immune to Sensory Affliction effects; may reroll a failed visual Perception check; extends visual senses by two additional factors of 10


Bumblebee has a retractable facemask which features several enhancements. Unfortunately it was damaged at some point during the Great War and Bumblebee was unable to use it while participating in the battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons on earth.

While active, the Facemask provides bumblebee with the following benefits:

•When Bumblebee fails a visual Perception check, he may make another immediately and use the better of the two results (as the Second Chance advantage).
•The unreliable flaw from the Protection provided by his Bug Shell is suppressed (he need to roll to see if the effect functions).
•Bumblebee’s senses are shielded from overload due to outside stimuli allowing him to ignore blinding light or deafening noise, for example.
•Bumblebee can accurately and automatically judge distances using his visual senses.
•The effective range of Bumblebee’s visual senses is further extended by two additional factors of 10 (to -1 to Perception checks per 10,000 feet).


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