– dimensional, magic, senses
Mana (accurate, acute, analytical, extended 2, radius, ranged Detect mana which
penetrates concealment)
– dimensional 3: 3 flat points, noticeable: -1 flat point (Remote Sensing); extended
2: 2 flat points, noticeable: -1 flat point (Senses)
– free (Remote Sensing) or none (Senses)
– 1 mile (Remote Sensing) or personal (Senses)
– sustained (Remote Sensing) or permanent (Senses)
– extend mana detection over an area of 1 mile and into other dimensions
(Remote Sensing); detect mana sources within range increments of 1,000 feet,
identify individual sources of mana and determine detailed information about
that source at range, in all directions, and without regard to physical
You can discern sources of mana and identify
the types of mana those sources produce.
are able to perceive mana; the mystical reserve which supplies the energy
needed to bring powerful spells into being.
can detect the presence of mana at range with a Perception check penalty of
only -1 per 1,000 feet. You can pinpoint and distinguish between individual
sources of mana and can discern specific details about those mana sources,
including: the mana type or types it can produce; basic details about the
source (whether it is an artifact, creature, land, and so on); whether or not a
planeswalker has siphoned mana from that source; how much mana is available
within that source at the moment; and if that source is associated with a
particular plane.
addition, you can displace your ability to detect mana sources over a distance
of up to 1 mile and into other planes, perceiving them normally (using
Perception checks ) as if you were at that location. This Remote Sensing
overrides your normal senses while you are using it. Self-aware mana sources
being observed this way can “feel” it with an Insight check (DC 10 + rank). To
search a large area for a particular type of mana source, use the search
guidelines given in the description of the Investigation skill.
effects which use mana detection as a medium and which are targeted on the spot
where you have displaced your senses affect you normally.
Remote Sensing overrides your normal senses, you are vulnerable (at half your
normal active defenses) while using it, since you are less aware of your
immediate surroundings.
ability to detect mana sources penetrates all obstacles, although Concealment
effects or other powers may be able to counter it.
need other Senses to know more specific details about sources of mana that do
not relate specifically to mana production (i.e. you will know if a creature
which produces mana is associated with a certain type of mana, what kinds of
mana it can produce and whether it has mana available to tap into, but not what
sort of creature it is or any other details about it).