Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Battle Convoy

Battle Convoy

◊Descriptors – interaction, talent
◊Effect – Enhanced Defenses 3 • 24 points

Battle Convoy (cone area 4, limited 2, selective Enhanced Traits 6)

◊Modifiers – affects only others: +0 rank, area 4: +4/rank, limited: -2/rank, selective: +1/rank
◊Action – standard
◊Requirement – Optimus must be between the subjects and the origin point of any attacks to provide any benefit; Optimus must move to activate or maintain the effect
◊Area – cone with a final length, width, and height of 900 feet (distance rank 5)
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – allies gain +3 to active defenses while within the effect area, but only against frontal attacks
◊Resist – Dodge (harmless)


“Prepare for battle!”

As a standard action, Optimus can form a Battle Convoy. Optimus must move (under his own power) during his turn when he uses this effect and must continue to move (or charge) each round in order to maintain it. Allies within a 900 ft cone (originating from Optimus) receive a +3 bonus to active defenses against any attacks originating from a point beyond Optimus (from that ally’s perspective). The Battle Convoy area adjusts as Optimus moves, and only allies within the cone area receive any benefit.


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