Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mr. Spock, A Man of Integrity in any Universe

Spock is the Human/Vulcan hybrid son of a Human school teacher and Vulcan scientist and ambassador who serves as a Starfleet officer in the 23rd century. Spock’s desire to join Starfleet created a rift between himself and his father Sarek, causing them to become estranged. Spock achieved recognition as a class A7 computer expert and was assigned to serve as science officer aboard the USS Enterprise, initially under Captain Christopher Pike and later as First Officer under James T. Kirk.

Spock has entirely embraced the Vulcan side of his heritage and is a supremely analytical thinker, pursuing the most logical and dispassionate course in all things. Nevertheless, Spock occasionally displays his more human impulses, though he apparently regards any comparison with humanity as highly insulting. Spock’s personality and intellectual exercises stand in stark contrast with those of his Captain, but he maintains a strong friendship with Jim Kirk in spite of this. Other members of the Enterprise crew tend to regard Spock as impolite without tact to the point of cold-heartedness, but Jim knows that Spock bears the best interests of his ship and crew in his mind.

Although pacifistic, Spock is a skilled combatant and regularly uses his extensive knowledge to overcome enemy opposition. Spock has had a lifelong interest in the arts and is proficient with the Vulcan lute and piano. He is also a gifted three-dimensional chess player. 

Mr. Spock, Human/Vulcan Hybrid and Starfleet Officer ◊ Power Level — 5
A Man of Integrity in any Universe

"When there is no emotion, there is no motive for violence.”

Physical Abilities
*Trait enhanced by +1 — calculated under powers
**Enhanced trait 3 (see powers)

Mental Abilities
*Trait enhanced by +1 — calculated under powers

Parry 3*
Will 5
**Enhanced trait 3 (see powers)

Arresting Grasp [Affliction] +5 (close; Affliction 16)
Unarmed +5 (Damage 4)

Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+5), Deception 9* (+12), Expertise: Concentration 5 (+11), Expertise: Science 7 (+13), Expertise: Constitution-class Starship Operation 6 (varies by ability), Expertise: Starfleet Regulations 5 (+11), Insight 0 (+4/+13*), Perception 2 (+6), Persuasion 0 (+3/+12*), Technology 5 (+11)
*Enhanced trait — calculated under powers


◊Altruistic Invocation: Healing +affects only others, -limited, -uncontrolled — 5 points
◊Arresting Grasp: Affliction +innate, -limited — 5 points
◊Hyperbolic Veracity: Enhanced Deception — 3 points
◊Omnicompetence: Variable –check required — 2 points
◊Reciprocal Cognition: Mental Communication -close, -grab-based, +rapid 5 with +affects others and -quirk; Comprehend Languages 2 -limited, +sustained; Enhanced Insight 6 -limited, +linked; Enhanced Persuasion 6 -limited, +linked; Mind Reading -close, +cumulative, -feedback, -quirk — 19 points
◊ Stoic Resolve/Emotional Unrest: Array Enhanced Stamina 3 —or—Enhanced Advantages 12 +linked, -uncontrolled, Enhanced Strength 1 +linked, -uncontrolled, Immunity 5 +linked, +sustained, -uncontrolled, and Protection 5 +impervious 2, +linked, +sustained, -uncontrolled — 7 Points
◊Vulcan Physiology: Enhanced Traits +innate, +permanent; Immunities +innate — 14 points

•Spock is motivated by an altruistic sense of responsibility.
•Spock’s fame on his home planet occasionally leads to challenging scenarios.
•Spock’s obsession with the rule of logic complicates his decision making and relationships. Failing to practice kolinahr can cause power loss to Spock’s Vulcan disciplines.
•Even in the 23rd century the specter of prejudice haunts Spock.
•Spock’s quirk of pointing out the flaws of humanity can be quite off-putting.
•Failures in logic and loss of emotional control can occur as a result of threats upon those with whom Spock has formed a close Relationship.
•Spock’s responsibility to Starfleet places great demands on him.
•Although his superlative concentration and focus keep it in check, Spock displays a temper from time to time, although it typically burns cold rather than hot.

Character Point Totals Abilities 48 + Powers 55 + Advantages 4 + Skills 16 + Defenses 1 = Total 124

Altruist Invocation

◊Descriptors – interaction, morale, talent
◊Effect – Healing 5 PL • 15 points

Altruistic Invocation (limited, uncontrolled Healing PL limited to affecting only others)

◊Modifiers – limited: -2/rank, uncontrolled: -1/rank
◊Action – standard
◊Range – close
◊Duration – instant
◊Results – Spock grants the subject a bonus to the next resistance check made against certain effects


“Live long and prosper.”

At dramatically appropriate moments (as determined by the gamemaster), such as when parting with a long-time friend or allied character about to embark on a dangerous venture, Spock can bestow that character with a +5 bonus which applies to resist the effects of disease, poison, all environmental conditions, suffocation, and starvation and thirst. The bonus also applies if the target would suffer a critical hit; the results are determined as a normal attack, not a critical hit. Once used, this bonus is expended and the application of the bonus is involuntary: it applies to the next applicable check automatically without any conscious effort.

Arresting Grasp

◊Descriptors – talent, Vulcan discipline
◊Effect – Affliction 16 • 5 points

Finely Tuned Audio Receptors (innate limited Affliction limited to third degree effect)

◊Modifiers – innate: 1 flat point, limited: -3/rank
◊Action – standard
◊Range – close
◊Duration – instantaneous
◊Results – target incapacitated (three or more degrees of failure)
◊Resist – Fortitude


“I'm sorry, Doctor, I have no time to explain this logically.”

As a standard action, Spock may attempt to incapacitate a vulnerable or defenseless target (see Conditions). Spock must succeed a Close Combat: Unarmed Attack check to hit the target. If he hits, the target makes Fortitude Resistance check. The difficulty class of this check is 26, however since it has no effect on targets who fail their resistance check by one or two degrees, the effective DC is only 11.

This ability is only effective against humanoid characters with a central nervous system.

Note: This power exceeds the attack bonus and effect rank of 14 which would normally apply due to Spock’s power level. This is due to the severely limited nature of the effect, however if Spock makes excessive use of this ability in a way which seems out of balance with the other characters in the series the gamemaster should reinstate the effect rank cap with regard to this power.

Hyperbolic Veracity

◊Descriptors – interaction, talent, reputation
◊Effect – Enhanced Deception 9 • 3 points

Hyperbolic Veracity (Enhanced Traits)

◊Modifiers – limited: -1/rank
◊Action – free
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – bonus to Deception checks made without lying; less effective when used more than once on the same subject


“You lied.”
“I exaggerated.”
        —Saavik and Spock

Spock has a +9 bonus to Deception checks due to his ability to comprehend and employ body language as well as his effective use of hyperbole and selective sharing of information. Spock’s personal reputation for integrity combined with the Vulcan for regard for candor and truthfulness make Spock’s efforts at Deception surprisingly effective.

These same attributes are somewhat limiting to the way in which Spock can employ this particular aptitude. Spock can’t bring himself to speak an outright falsehood and he must therefore put great thought into how he can deceive without betraying his values. In addition, this ability loses effectiveness once Spock has used it to successfully deceive any given character; they become more cautious when interacting with Spock and are less likely to fall for a similar effort. The gamemaster can therefore apply a circumstance penalty whenever Spock makes a subsequent Deception check to influence that character (whether or not he applies the bonus from this ability to the attempt) and may rule that a very similar bluff or trick simply fails without rolling.


◊Descriptors – talent
◊Effect – Variable 1 • 2 points

Omnicompetence (Variable with check required)

◊Modifiers – check required: -5 flat points
◊Requirement – DC 15 Expertise: Concentration check
◊Action – standard
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – Spock gains 5 character points to spend on Intellect skills and the Skill Mastery advantage; Spock can only make routine checks with the affected skills


“You'd make a splendid computer, Mr Spock.”
“That is very kind of you, Captain!”
        —Kirk and Spock

As a standard action, Spock can attempt a DC 15 Expertise: Concentration check. If this check succeeds, Spock gains 5 character points to distribute among any number of Intellect based skills or the Skill Mastery advantage. If the check fails, his standard action is wasted and he may not attempt to use this ability again during the same scene.

Any skills that are gained or enhanced with this ability must only be made using routine checks; Spock cannot roll a check with any affected skill and therefore is also unable to spend a victory point to improve a roll (since none can be made).

Note: Spock may not make a routine check to activate this ability regardless of any effect which would otherwise allow him to do so.

Reciprocal Cognition

◊Descriptors – mental telepathy, Vulcan discipline
◊Effect – Mental Communication 1; Comprehend Languages 2; Enhanced Insight 6; Enhanced Persuasion 6; Mind Reading 5 • 19 points

Mind Meld (close, grab-based, rapid 5 which affects others Communication 1; limited, sustained Comprehend 2; limited Enhanced Trait 6 and limited linked Enhanced Trait 6; close, cumulative Mind Reading 5 subject to feedback)

◊Modifiers – close: -1/rank, grab-based: -1/rank, rapid 5 affects others with a -1 quirk: 9 flat points (Communication); limited: -1/rank, sustained: +0 (Comprehend); limited: -1/rank, linked +0/rank (Enhanced Traits); cumulative: +1/rank, effortless: +1/rank, feedback: -1/rank, reduced range: -2/rank (Mind Reading)
◊Action – standard (Communication and Mind Reading) or free (Enhanced Traits and Comprehend)
◊Range – close (Communication, Comprehend and Mind Reading) or personal (Enhanced Traits)
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – mental link with subject; able to share emotions, language, thoughts, memories at rapid speed and improved rapport with the subject



By coming into close (usually physical) contact with a creature possessing conscious awareness, Spock can communicate with that subject telepathically. This deep psychic link allows both Spock and the subject to share emotions, memories and thoughts with one another at a rate 10,000 times that of normal speech. At this rate, Spock and the subject could share a lifetime of information in a matter of just a few weeks. The subject can ignore Spock’s attempts at mental communication if they wish. Unlike other Communication effects, this power is not language-dependent, although the subject must be intelligent. See the Communication and Comprehend effects for more information.

Spock’s telepathic discipline is sufficient to allow him to force a mental connection. To do so, Spock makes a Mind Reading check which the subject opposes with a Will check. If Spock succeeds, Spock can perceive the subject’s surface thoughts and vice verse. With two, three or four degrees of success, Spock can read personal thoughts, memories and the subconscious of the subject respectively, however Spock (to say nothing of the Vulcan community) consider these sorts of mental intrusion an almost unforgivable offense except in the gravest of circumstances. No matter how deeply Spock chooses to probe, information is passed both ways (the subject can probe Spock’s mind to an equal degree) so probing an enemy carries great risk. See the Mind Reading effect description for more information on how this power functions in practice.

Due to the increased empathy shared between Spock and the subject of a successful mind meld, Spock may gain a bonus to Insight and Persuasion checks regarding such a character in the future. Spock has a 50% chance to add a + bonus to his skill check. The character will usually be interacting directly with Spock, but needn’t always be, for him to gain this benefit. For example, if a shapeshifter impersonates Dr. McCoy, Spock can apply the bonus to recognize unusual behavior on the part of the impersonator (having previously melded with the Doctor on stardate 4385.3).

Note: This power represents distinct effects packaged together for thematic reasons; they are not linked. If the cost of these separate effects becomes important (due to a power stunt or Weaken effect, for example) they are respectively a 10 point Communication effect, a 2 point Comprehend effect, a 4 point enhanced trait, and a 5 point Mind Reading effect. Also, Spock’s rapid Communication effect must be shared (effectively increasing the action to activate it a standard action).

Vulcan Physiology

◊Descriptors – biology, species, Vulcan
◊Effect – Enhanced Dexterity 1, Strength 1, Fighting 1 and Intellect 1; Immunity 8 • 14 points

Vulcan Physiology (innate, permanent Enhanced Traits and innate limited Immunity)

◊Modifiers – innate: 1 flat point, permanent: +0/rank (Enhanced Traits); innate: 1 flat point, limited: -1/rank (Immunity)
◊Action – none
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – permanent
◊Results – enhanced traits; half the rate of aging and thirst; half the need for sleep; halve the effect rank of light effects


“As you are so fond of observing, doctor, I am not human.”

As a Vulcan, Spock possesses the following enhanced traits:

        • +1 Dexterity
        • +1 Strength
        • +1 Fighting
        • +1 Intellect
In addition, Spock ages more slowly than humans and possesses limited Immunity to the effects of aging and thirst (he succumbs to the effects of old age and thirst at half the rate of humans), need for sleep (he can function without sleep for a week or longer), and the effects of bright light (halve the effect’s rank before determining its resistance check DC).

Stoic Resolve/Emotional Unrest

◊Descriptors – discipline, talent, vitality / emotion (rage), talent, vitality
◊Effect – Array: Enhanced Stamina 3 or linked Enhanced Advantages 12, Enhanced Strength 1, Immunity 5, and Protection 5 • 7 points

Stoic Resolve/Emotional Unrest (Enhanced Trait 3 —or— linked Enhanced Traits, sustained Immunity, and sustained Protection)

◊Modifiers – alternate effect: 1 flat point (Array); none (Enhanced Stamina); linked effects: linked: +0/rank, uncontrolled: -1/rank (Enhanced Advantages), linked: +0/rank, uncontrolled: -1/rank (Enhanced Strength), linked: +0/rank, sustained: +0/rank, uncontrolled: -1/rank (Immunity) and impervious: 2 flat points, linked: +0/rank, sustained: +0/rank, uncontrolled: -1/rank (Protection); reduced trait: -8 flat points, quirk -1 flat point (all linked effects)
◊Action – free
◊Range – personal
◊Duration – sustained
◊Results – enhanced Stamina —or— enhanced Fighting and Strength, immune to interaction skills and enhanced Toughness


“Pain is a thing of the mind. The mind can be controlled.”

Spock’s dedication and experience with exploiting the benefits of his Vulcan physiology make him far more resilient than he appears. As a free action (often a moment’s reflection) he gains a +5 bonus to his Stamina.

“Aha, ha ha. I see. You mean you reasoned that it was time for an emotional outburst.”
        —James T. Kirk

Spock experiences a great deal more emotion than is evident. Under most circumstances his practice of kolinahr allows him to exercise complete control so as to act dispassionately in all things. There are occasions, however, which strain his psyche beyond even his considerable discipline. At such times Spock experiences an almost animalistic ferocity and is nearly beyond reason. In this state, he gains the following:

        • +1 Strength 1
        • -3 Intellect
        • -2 Will
        • Enhanced Advantages 12*
        • Immunity to interaction skills
        • Impervious 2
        • Protection 5
        • Spock is unable to use any skill or ability that requires patience or concentration


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